Form to Formlessness

Form to Formlessness

Today’s the-hum included the exploration of meditation and the presence of thoughts. Attendees shared their experiences, intentions, objectives, and expectations when meditating. As a “spiritual tool”, meditation is known to be practiced by many seekers, spiritual practitioners and teachers. “You can’t stop your mind from thinking because you don’t start it thinking.” ~ Adyashanti Meditation…

Thoughts are …

Thoughts are …

Already there is that place which is, already, trouble-less… It has no trouble at all… When it is noticed that there wasn’t any thought in the first place… it was just This space appearing as those thoughts… -Nkosi It is obvious and effortless, without purpose and meaningless – it is “as it is” – and…

Portal to the-hum

Portal to the-hum

the-hum meeting participants enjoyed a stimulating experience: Starting with an invitation to imagine, that the experiences we are having at every moment are whole and complete, and perfect as they are. In essence, the suggestion was to embrace that which is occurring and to abstain from arguing about the rightness-or-wrongness of it occurring – as…

Post Meeting Reflections

Post Meeting Reflections

Thank you Alan, for the guided meditation, and everyone for showing up and sharing their experiences. It is lovely to be present with folks from different walks of life, attending a meeting where apparently no agenda is pursued, no curriculum is taught, no docent is hired, and best of all, no exit exams are to…

The Imaginary Me

The Imaginary Me

Adyashanti, January 24, 2007 In this definitive talk on the illusion of self, we learn how it is possible to have a strong realization that there is no self and yet still fall prey to the momentum of an imaginary me. This talk is not meant to offer techniques for deconstructing the “me,” but rather…

Distinctions & Terminology

Distinctions & Terminology

Yesterday’s sharing at the-hum brought forth a number of terms which might deserve to be looked at more closely: Words elicit some form of reference experience, i.e. we each may have a certain understanding of what a particular term is pointing to or pointing at. Disclaimer: The content offered for consideration below is from the…