The Quest for Perfection and Final Enlightenment

The Quest for Perfection and Final Enlightenment

Joan Tollifson- Quoted from her Facebook page I used to imagine that someday I would arrive. I’d be fully enlightened. I’d never again bite my fingers, lose my temper, feel insulted, get upset, or experience dark moods. I’d be a wonderful, generous, kind, compassionate, loving person—all the time. I’d always be “present” and “aware,” never…

If there is no “you” then what?
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If there is no “you” then what?

There is being without central hub of a personal identityThere is simply the experience of wholeness – which includes all There is experience – and no one to experience itThere is the full spectrum of appearances – yet no one that claims ownership of it There is life as an energetic, vibrational process – streaming…

Form to Formlessness

Form to Formlessness

Today’s the-hum included the exploration of meditation and the presence of thoughts. Attendees shared their experiences, intentions, objectives, and expectations when meditating. As a “spiritual tool”, meditation is known to be practiced by many seekers, spiritual practitioners and teachers. “You can’t stop your mind from thinking because you don’t start it thinking.” ~ Adyashanti Meditation…

Thoughts are …

Thoughts are …

Already there is that place which is, already, trouble-less… It has no trouble at all… When it is noticed that there wasn’t any thought in the first place… it was just This space appearing as those thoughts… -Nkosi It is obvious and effortless, without purpose and meaningless – it is “as it is” – and…