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One on One’s The teacher, the medium, the channel and the guru, typically viewed as the one in the know. The student, the seeker, the one exploring and looking for guidance, or simply connection to vibrational levels. These are some of the roles played by the participants of the game. Script, director, score, set and…
Already there is that place which is, already, trouble-less… It has no trouble at all… When it is noticed that there wasn’t any thought in the first place… it was just This space appearing as those thoughts… -Nkosi It is obvious and effortless, without purpose and meaningless – it is “as it is” – and…
………or “word-of-the-day”………. Last night’s Michael Jeffreys Nonduality Community meeting on zoom extended an invitation to take a closer look at what is really happening, what is really present. It touched upon a variety of areas of interest around the general question of the “me” and its characteristics: wanting to feel better wanting to matter, be…
the-hum meeting participants enjoyed a stimulating experience: Starting with an invitation to imagine, that the experiences we are having at every moment are whole and complete, and perfect as they are. In essence, the suggestion was to embrace that which is occurring and to abstain from arguing about the rightness-or-wrongness of it occurring – as…
Today’s the-hum included the exploration of meditation and the presence of thoughts. Attendees shared their experiences, intentions, objectives, and expectations when meditating. As a “spiritual tool”, meditation is known to be practiced by many seekers, spiritual practitioners and teachers. “You can’t stop your mind from thinking because you don’t start it thinking.” ~ Adyashanti Meditation…
Characteristics of knowers are those who are guided by an overall position of knowing: They are often convinced that they have acquired, discovered, or were simply blessed with a position of access to truth. More generally speaking, knowing is the default foundation of how a person is being raised and conditioned in most societies: The…