Sports Car
Appearing as this …
In this satsang we are called to put our attention on the now. The now beyond time and the here beyond place, our very own true Self. “The now has no history and no biography, it’s just the purity and quintessence of all that is. Now is not a time quality, now is eternal, it’s…
Pedronimo Creations Personal reality is an imagination – sourced by the conditioned mind As it drains out of its vessel, the human body, the vessel opens to stream the Divine The apparent form dilutes into the formless expression of the Tao Brahman, God, Source – whatever label it is carrying – it is Wholeness that…
…and faced with thoughts the “me” doesn’t like. They are often called “negative thoughts”, as opposed to the “positive thoughts that are welcome and liked by the “me”. What to do about it? Push them away? Find a distraction? Let them set the tone for getting up? The-hum attendees today heard a variety of approaches…
One on One’s The teacher, the medium, the channel and the guru, typically viewed as the one in the know. The student, the seeker, the one exploring and looking for guidance, or simply connection to vibrational levels. These are some of the roles played by the participants of the game. Script, director, score, set and…
The voice inside your head … “The voice in the head isn’t talking to anyone – and there’s no one there to hear it” Michael Jeffreys by way of Alan Jaeger Skipping stones on the water With Ease Was shared as an image by Sara – if I am not mistaken in the context of…
Characteristics of knowers are those who are guided by an overall position of knowing: They are often convinced that they have acquired, discovered, or were simply blessed with a position of access to truth. More generally speaking, knowing is the default foundation of how a person is being raised and conditioned in most societies: The…