What does it take?
Theme triggered by quote from a website about “Awakening”
Theme triggered by quote from a website about “Awakening”
Joan Tollifson- Quoted from her Facebook page I used to imagine that someday I would arrive. I’d be fully enlightened. I’d never again bite my fingers, lose my temper, feel insulted, get upset, or experience dark moods. I’d be a wonderful, generous, kind, compassionate, loving person—all the time. I’d always be “present” and “aware,” never…
Characteristics of knowers are those who are guided by an overall position of knowing: They are often convinced that they have acquired, discovered, or were simply blessed with a position of access to truth. More generally speaking, knowing is the default foundation of how a person is being raised and conditioned in most societies: The…
Appearances speak for themselves, preceding language and conceptual thinking – they are simply what they, as they are, for no one
Quoted from Jeff Carreira’s writing When we experience cosmic consciousness, we recognize that our awareness is the awareness of the universe itself. We are taught to think of our awareness as something that emerges from our own minds and bodies. In awakening to cosmic consciousness, we see that awareness is flowing through us like wind…
Today’s the-hum included the exploration of meditation and the presence of thoughts. Attendees shared their experiences, intentions, objectives, and expectations when meditating. As a “spiritual tool”, meditation is known to be practiced by many seekers, spiritual practitioners and teachers. “You can’t stop your mind from thinking because you don’t start it thinking.” ~ Adyashanti Meditation…
In this satsang we are called to put our attention on the now. The now beyond time and the here beyond place, our very own true Self. “The now has no history and no biography, it’s just the purity and quintessence of all that is. Now is not a time quality, now is eternal, it’s…